
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Iranian Nuclear Deal

As it has been all over the news the past few days, many of you will know about the new anti-proliferation treaty between the U.S. and Iran. The treaty will reduce the crippling economic sanctions on Iran in exchange for a reduction in centrifuges and access for international inspections, among other benefits. Proponents say it will increase Iran's breakout time, as well as provide a significant amount of international oversight on weapons manufacturing. Opponents say the treaty will open the door for Iran to sponsor terrorism and emerge as a threat in the Middle East.

The perceived threat here is that Iran is a known state sponsor of terrorism, including supporting groups like Hamas, Hezzbolah, and others. Iran also has a very aggressive regional policy in the Middle East including making threats against Israel. This aggressive policy has prompted a small arms race among the nations in the immediate area and there are worries a lack of economic sanctions would open up large amounts of money to be used by Iran to purchase arms.

Now, while all of these are legitimate grievances against Iran here is my take on the situation: would we rather barely contain nuclear proliferation through economic sanctions and threats of violence or attempt to mend relations with Iran so that they don't want to attack us?

"Sam, don't be naive, Iran will just hide their weapons when there are inspections. They want to attack the U.S. and our allies"

The treaty isn't about giving Iran a free ticket to run wild after the sanctions lift either. There will be rigorous inspections by international watchdogs to make sure that Iran is cooperating, as well as the fact that Iran will have to get rid of a good portion of both its enriched uranium and the centrifuges used to create it.

"But Sam, Iran has said Israel should be 'wiped off the map' and they called the U.S. 'The Great Satan'. They hate us!"

You know what makes people hate you a lot less? Not threatening to blow their country up when they want to advance their energy program. Maybe we could even be helpful and help the build non-nuclear power plants so they don't even have an excuse for nuclear research. It'd also be hard to blame the U.S. for causing all the economic hardships in the country when we no longer block all imports and exports.

"But we need to protect Israel from attack! They're our allies!"

First off, Netanyahu is a fear monger. Second off, Israel has done enough sketchy things in the last twenty years that I think we should seriously re-evaluate our big brother policy (Israel has committed possible crimes against humanity), and third off Israel can handle itself. The last time Middle Eastern countries attacked them Israel beat five countries at once in six days. They also happen to have a nuclear bomb, so if you want another deterrent to attacking Israel, there you go.

Iran isn't without some serious flaws (they deny the holocaust, among other things) but I would much rather have open, mostly-honest interaction with the international community than sticking them with a bunch of sanctions and just holding our breath till they come up with a way to blow it back in our faces. But hey, why foster positive relationships when we spend 600 billion dollars on the military every year and need an excuse to drop some freedom on someone?

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