
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Dear Gov. Fallon

It does not matter in the slightest bit whether or not Oklahomans voted to define marriage as between a man and a woman. If we deemed that line of logic acceptable to govern human rights we would still have segregation. Just because a majority of your population agrees on something does not make it right. You are fighting to deny a group of people their right to marry the people they love.

We have judges that are not accountable to anyone so that they can rise above popular opinion and make the unpopular choices that are the right ones. It is part of the balance of power. You get to make the laws, the judges get to throw out the unconstitutional ones.

You can cover your tracks in patriotism and legal garbage all you want but in 30 years, if the world remembers you at all, it will remember you as a backwards bigot and nothing more.

Equality is being equal whether you believe in it or not.

Read the press release.

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