
Thursday, December 11, 2014

This is not the way

Two days ago, Greenpeace, an environmental activism group, conducted a "protest" at the Nazca Lines in Peru. The activists put down yellow plastic letters over the surrounding plants that could have caused irreparable harm.

For those of you not familiar with them, the Nazca Lines are ancient Peruvian monuments dug into the soil to create designs of several animals like the hummingbird pictured above. These lines are thousands of years old and are considered national Peruvian treasures...

...and Greenpeace vandalized them.

Seriously, Greenpeace? When did the environmental movement become about defacing ancient, beloved monuments with garish yellow slogans? This is why people don't take environmentalism seriously. You are now part of the problem, not the solution.

The environmental movement is about protecting sites like this and preserving them for posterity. This is like carving "save the trees" into the bark of a redwood, or dying an endangered animal blue to "raise awareness". All it does is make people dislike you and ignore your message.

Find constructive ways to make positive changes in our world. The environmental movement is about leaving the world a better place than when we found it. We need to create a value shift in the population towards valuing nature. When you devalue national treasures by defacing them you devalue your self and your message. Lead by example and hold yourself to a higher standard.