
Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Scottish Referendum

Many of you are aware that Scotland is heading to the polls right now to decide whether it will remain part of the United Kingdom or become a free state. I don't want to talk about the politics because it is honestly none of my business, what I do want to talk about is voter participation.

Scotland has 97% of the electorate registered to vote for the referendum and has broken the record for most absentee balots cast in its history. At the last election only 65% of U.S. citizens were registered to vote and only 45% actually voted. Now I know that voting for your nations independence and voting for president may seem like they are on different levels of importance, but just let it sink in that the most powerful nation in the world (at the moment) lets less than half of it's voting population decide who gets to run the country.

This country was built on the idea of democracy and that everyone should have an equal voice in how this country was run. Yet, 200 years later, despite the fact that we have technology that makes getting out to vote dramatically easier than it was in the late 1700's we have 1/3 of the population who won't even fill out an address so that they can legally vote.

Scotland, whether you vote to stay or leave I think that you have given the U.S., and the world, a perfect example of what a true democracy looks like: the whole of Scotland, participating in a choice that will determine not only their future, but that of their posterity.

Well done.

Sources for voter information

U.S. Census Bureau:

BBC News: